Trailer wiring

From: KBDewey 42GPW (
Date: Mon Jan 10 2000 - 20:33:28 PST

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All I have a Converto 1/2T Airborn Dump Trailer that I am putting the
lights on. I got an MBT harness and the schematic shows a light switch
mounted on the trailer for normal and black out lighting and coupling
harness. (Idon't remember the last M100 having this switch either) Did
the Converto have this switch? With the jeep switch that is already
wired up for normal and BO lighting the second switch seems redundant so
will use a circuit block. The assembly and maint. manual from Converto
does not show any electrics at all so suspect that this was a field mod
as there are mounts for military lighting welded in the proper place.
Later K

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