Re:US politics & military vehicles..WAS: [MV] Don't Vote for algore

Date: Tue Jun 27 2000 - 01:38:02 PDT

In a message dated Tue, 27 Jun 2000 12:19:22 AM Eastern Daylight Time, "Jaime A Ponce de Leon" <> writes:

<< ok, I must speak up.

The following is a example of what politial stuff should be on this list:
Al Gore is against milrtary/off-road/polluting,/collectable vehicles.
snip snip....
I agree totally, jamie! I believe the focus was that the results of the coming election have a LOT to do with the ownership of military merely went a bit astray.

>>Also, keep in mind that this list is worldwide, I dont >>think our neighbors
>>above and belwo, or across the pond want to hear about >>our politics, snip snip...

Well, here we part company. I won't regulate what I say or think about military vehicle ownership or the politics of it, because there are foreigners on this list. Those who understand also know that to enjoy good relations with the US, they sometimes must also suffer our politics. In the broad view, they are all guests of the US, because without the US, there would be no Internet, no list, and probably no personal computers. Let's not forget how Arpanet started it all, and who paid the freight. (as usual) On the upside of foreign persons signing onto this list, it possibly gives them a free outlet for expression about such things that they might not enjoy at home. A lot of our European allies are moderate and permissive on the subject of owning military vehicles, but there are many more who frown upon it or forbid it outright. We share everything we have with the rest of the world anyway, so why not share the freedom we enjoy on the net? I think the contrasting opinions!
 and life experiences are the most interesting thing on this list. I already know how to tune an engine or change a wheel. I was very surprised to find out how the rest of the world did it! Nuff said...just another point of view, folks...let's not get all hysterical. No offense intended to anyone!

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