More Stripes

From: Carol Kenyon (
Date: Sun Jul 09 2000 - 19:11:03 PDT

You fellows must be getting weary of me and
this thing, but, it looks as if it had stripes on
the hood! I can see one stripe along the rear
edge of the hood. There are three whitish
splotches equally spaced on the hood that I
think are sun-bleached yellow stripes. The hoods and tops of old
vehicles take such a
beating from the sun. I also found remnants
of a stripe on the RIGHT rear fender on the
wheel arch. The "mad grinder" removed
something from the rear doors but I don't see
any white or yellow yet.
So far that makes approx. 3" wide yellow stripes
against an OD background on the two huge rear fenders, all over the
exterior cabinet work,
on the body proper BEHIND the rear fenders
below the belt and of course now the top of the hood. Thanks again for
all your good suggestions. Don Kenyon

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