I'm On Third Base

From: Carol Kenyon (Da-Kenyons@webtv.net)
Date: Tue Jul 11 2000 - 18:45:35 PDT

You gentlemen have been so great and
have gotten me so close to a conclusion
on this 1939 Ford Panel Conversion that I
feel like all I need is a sacrifice fly to bring
me home. Power hitters Everett Doyle and
John Seidts advanced me to third. Mike is the
third base coach!
Mr. John Seidts stated with authority that my
vehicle may be: from a shipyard, a telephone
line/electrical maint. and repair vehicle, a "2B".
All these things ring true like Westminister Abbey on Sunday! I found a
"Job Ticket, Todd
Shipyards, L.A. Division" with two keys on it in
my panel, "TB766" is on a brass ID tag, and this
thing REALLY looks like a tel. /electrical truck!
Can anyone tell me where to look for a "TB" or
"2B" ? Can anyone tell me how OD green w/
yellow stripes jives with NAVY/ Todd Shipyards? Would anyone like some
Mr. Joe Shannon scanned them in for me.
Thanks Once More, Don Kenyon

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