M37 electrical part needed

From: Mike and Cheryl (mleaton@netins.net)
Date: Sun Jul 23 2000 - 21:46:26 PDT

My dad has a bad main power switch on a 1954 M37
(3/4 ton cargo truck). This is the on/off toggle on the dash
under light switch. I am looking for a cheaper used one, that
is in working condition. The rubber housing is cracked and has
rust inside switch. I think most old ones will be cracked (because
mine also is, but still works). This will need the 4 military connectors
so I can just slip it in. I am going to try and find one locally, but not
to many parts around where I live.

I am still working on the Ames, Iowa, Forestry Sale report. I seem to
be working a lot in this hot weather. I had it done and posted, pictures
took to long to load, so I need to redo it and took it off the Iowa MVPA
website. I will post the list when I get it done. Sorry.

Mike in Iowa

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