Politics - Issues relevant to MVs

From: Mark Baxter (alleywayguns@bacavalley.com)
Date: Sun Aug 06 2000 - 09:37:21 PDT

 Lee, Great Reply to Ed Lortz! He can not see that our MV collecting hobby
is at stake! I think that everyone on the list that lives in the United
States know that BOTH parties are not the most reliable of parties. I admit
when I vote, I vote for the politicians that uphold my 2nd amendment rights
AND my rights to own a Military Vehicle!
 I feel if the politician that uphold my 2nd amendment rights will also
uphold my rights to own a MV! We need to go and let our elected officials
that we are not a threat to the nation, and the we are Preserving a piece of
American History! But then after I saw on the Discovery Channel how the
Government is letting Valley Forge fall apart, they might not care. Mark
with a LEGALLY purchased M-886

----- Original Message -----
From: <LEEnCALIF@aol.com>
To: "Military Vehicles List" <mil-veh@skylee.com>
Sent: Saturday, August 05, 2000 12:24 PM
Subject: Re: [MV] Politics - Issues relevant to MVs

> Issues and American politics: Gore, Bush and H.R. 4205
> Ed Lortz writes, ........As a gay man who served on shipboard in the Navy
> during Vietnam, and an owner of a 1948 CJ2-A (and 2 yr list subscriber),
> of your posts scare me, as does the republican party, as does the
> Ed, frankly you scare me; it's how you think. You are not seeing the big
> picture, but rather focusing on your preconceived prejudices without
> yourself benefit of all the facts and what they may mean to our collective
> future. What happens in the USA, be it with bill H.R. 4205 or ..........

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