Re: [MV] SUV's?

From: Steven P. Allen (
Date: Fri Aug 18 2000 - 09:03:54 PDT

Too many people are shrugging off the 9%. I rather suspect that, if 9% are
outright banning, several times that many are willing, even eager, to see
SUVs highly taxed, highly regulated, and inflicted with highly inflated
insurance rates. And you can bet your Duece that many MVs will fall into
whatever parameters are used to define the categories.

Besides, given voter participation levels, that 9% probably constitues 25%
of the voting public. THAT's a number the average pol will listen to.

Oh, and one more point for those who dismiss the whole thing a s ludicrous:
Remember that Al Gore wants to ban ALL Internal Combustion engines. . . .

Steve Allen

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