My over rev problem.......

From: Rikk Rogers (
Date: Wed Oct 11 2000 - 08:43:13 PDT

Thanks for some useful info so far,
Its what it take to learn.

Your post was near as flammable as the 91 Octane,
I offered a near full set of manuals on CD a short time back, and am
not reading, but STUDYING them.

My use of 91 octane was as much for thinner as fuel.
When we started with this one the fuel had sat in the tank
for 5 years (found info from the guy that moved it into DRMO) and was near
linseed in quality.
In dealing with the sludge in the lines I loaded the filter with the
sharpest mix I could find.
The engine should handle it for the minutes it will be used,
and the un-stated question was "Could this be the problem?"

In the tank we could not drain it on-site due to lack of 50 gal. of storage
and a catch pan large enough
to do the job, so we siphoned out 20 gal. of 5 year old lacquer and added 24
gal of gas to make sure
we had something that would in fact burn better than wax.

Thanks for the info on the "MoGas" according to the info I have come across
I thought
91 was a bit high, they refer to "combat" gasoline but I had missed the
octane #.
We did have it "jumped" and she would spin but not pop, when we fixed the
she sounded GOOD.

Thanks for the tip on the compensator, I did not see anything bypassed but I
will go back and check.

Thanks for the info on the T shaped part, I will go back in and look again
for it, would be nice it it's that easy.

All interested,

According to page 8-9, figure 8-2 of TM 9-2815-210-34-1 I may need to adjust
the "engine auxiliary governor",
and refers to TM 9-2910-226-34&P.

1. has anyone been-there/done-that?

2. Does anyone have a copy of the manual, and if so do you see where it
explains how to "Adjust" the governor.
    In looking at the manual all I find is rebuild info.

3. Does anyone have this one in PDF format that I can buy cheep, the paper
copy I found is $64 + shipp.

Rikk Rogers
RK Lion LTD.
MVPA -22345-

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