A neat trick....

From: Rikk Rogers (rkltd@swbell.net)
Date: Wed Nov 01 2000 - 17:34:15 PST

I have been combining Vaseline and black graphite to use as both lubricant
and conductor for years.
Works great on side post batteries, and on top post it prevents corrosion.
WD-40 and graphite works great in locks and slide cables, even when the
WD-40 evaporates
the graphite remains slick and the cable won't stick.
The one caveat is to remember the graphite is a conductor and with enough
voltage it will arc.

Rikk Rogers - RK Lion LTD.
416 S 4th St
Ponca City OK. 74601-5335
(580)762-3157 rkltd@swbell.net
-M35A2- MVPA -22345-

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