Home Depot pioneer tools

From: mblair1@home.net
Date: Sun Nov 26 2000 - 15:27:39 PST

Somebody took me up on my offer to snap a picture of my "fake" HMMWV
pioneer tools from Home Depot, so here they are:


I tried to get tools which looked as much like the diagrams in my
operator's manual as possible, and they seem to fit the rack
perfectly. I haven't done anything to them to make them look more
authentic, other than removing the labels, cutting off the rubber
collar that was on the mattock handle under its head, and removing the
mattock head for stowage.

I'd appreciate it if anybody could tell me how these tools compare to
the correct tools that would have been issued with a 1986 HMMWV. The
chrome on the shovel's D handle is obvious, but I think the tools are
pretty close otherwise. The axe and mattock heads are painted black,
the shovel blade has a dull gray finish (it doesn't look like it's
painted), the shovel's D handle is chrome-plated, and the wood parts
have a glossy clear finish. I think the wood handles were hickory, but
I've already thrown away the labels. Anybody who noticed the AN/ARC-27
in a couple of the pictures gets a brownie point.

These pictures are posted temporarily, so please download them if you
want to keep them.

Mark J. Blair, KE6MYK <mblair1@home.net>
PGP 2.6.2 public key available from http://www.keyserver.net/
Web page: http://www.qsl.net/ke6myk/

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