cckw-353..thanks for replies...more info

From: tonygull (
Date: Wed Nov 29 2000 - 12:07:01 PST

thanks for the replies
I am hoping to get hold of some back copies of the Mil Veh magazine,
as i noticed they had several articles on Jimmys.
I am an avid reader of material about my vehicles, and feel starved
of info on this historic vehicle....also impresesed with the off-road specs
seems to me off-road gear of today is not as effective.

I'm no virgin when it comes to vehicle collecting and lists, its just the
of military vehicles was almost unkown to me.
my collection is as follows;

'44 GMC

'74 Daimler VandenPlas V12/5speed + spare
'71 Jag XJ6 + spare
'68 Jag 420G
'52 Jag MK7

'78 Inter Scout (modified 4WD)
'79 Inter Scout
'64 inter Scout
'70 Inter C1100 Stepside ute

'91 Audi A3 (the missus car)
'86 Ford Fairmont
'78 Daihatsu F20 4WD
'65 Bedford J1

They are not all road registerd obviously.
regards tony

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