Re: [MV] Do you play with it?

From: Douglas Greville (
Date: Tue Dec 05 2000 - 00:40:30 PST


I cannot help having a chuckle at the title of the above thread.

It does not appear to have as much cultural meaning to the US
members of the list, but to an Aussie, well, lets just say it is
not the sort of question you ask someone........... very rude and
insulting. Don't know about the other English speaking countries.
Geoff, Richard?

To answer the question at face value;
I would say I get to drive an MV roughly once every 2 months, a
combination of weather (too hot or too cold) rules out certain
portions of the year, hey, its a hobby, I don't HAVE to do it if
I don't feel like it. The other requirement is if I have someone
available to be a commander/lookout, a necessity with AFV's of the
types I have. What, with friends working 12 hour shifts on 4 day
rotational rosters, re-educating themselves etc. Then finally, there
is the main AFV bugbear, mechanical availability. I find that if
the opportunity arises to go for a ride we take it.


                 Armoured Vehicles Collector
      _/_(_o_)_\_ ____
    _/|___|_|___|\_ /____\
   / [___] [___] \ Douglas Greville _/[o]___\_
  /\_ [o] [o] _/\ Broken Hill __/=_|____|_=\__
  |w||___________||w| N.S.W. /__\__________/__\
  |w|\u u/|w| Australia |w| \ / |w|
  |w| \_________/ |w| |w|$ \______/ $|w|
  [w] [w] [w] [w]
          M8 Ferret

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