Re: [MV] MVPA conventions/Beltring

From: Raimondo L. Torelli (
Date: Thu Dec 07 2000 - 01:52:27 PST

Dec 7 2000

First: where will you do the Convention? I mean which city/state? I am
from the other side of the Big Pond and would love to come (although
August/high season airplane tickets are VERY high!!!) Mid-South does not
have any meaning for us.

Second: if at all possible, can you try to establish the Convention dates
without overlapping Beltring W & P? No doubt you have read the many
postings concerning next year 2001 MVPA Convention/Beltring W & P
overlapping dates.
Regards and Keep Them Rolling!

Raimondo - MVPA 15878 & IMPS 2320
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At 22.54 06/12/00 EST, DAVID wrote:
>Fellow listers,
>My local (Mid-South) MVPA chapter will be hosting the 2005 convention. I am
>on the committee involved in planning this, so I would like to pose some
>questions to those of you have attended or hosted past MVPA conventions.
>What can be done to make conventions better?
>Are there any things that you particularly like?
>Or dislike?
>Any areas that need improvement?
>Any off site activities you desire?
>Do you attend to look at the vehicles on display?
>To buy items? If so what?
>For the various clinics, etc.?
>If you are a vendor, what can be done to make things better/more profitable
>for you?
>I look forward to getting feedback from all of you.
>David Doyle

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