Re: [MV] Ferrets are now gold plated

From: Mel Miller (
Date: Sat Dec 16 2000 - 22:39:51 PST

Geoff Winnington-Ball wrote:

> Let's face it, a lot more irreplaceable stuff has rotted in people's back yards over
> the years, or gone under the scrapper's torch. At least we know this stuff is THERE,
> even if the guy want's too much for it.
> We're basically 'damned if we do, damned if we don't', arent we?

Geoff, I agree with the first paragraph but the second paragraph, I
think, ignores an opportunity.

Now that interested parties know the item is there, they can engage the
owner in dialogue, arrange to go out and see the vehicle, and then
GENTLY persuade the owner, who will by that time have had a chance to
use of old copies of Supply Line and other publications/advertisements,
that, whilst his vehicle is undoutedley a very fine example of the
genera, similarly equipped examples usually go for $XXX and that you are
prepared to offer him $YYY right now! He may not thank you right now,
but, if you handle him properly, he may come around in time! Remember,
gentle persuasion will have the best chance of working on truly ignorant
owners. Rest assured that, in this internet forum, there will have been
no dearth of hot fingered Experts who will have already informed the
hapless owner that he is a dolt who does not know what he has, its
capabilities (power steering indeed) or its worth. All of which may very
well be true, but you will catch more bees, and for that matter Ferrets,
with honey rather than vinegar!

Now that Ebay has flushed the Pheasant, err, Ferrett, someone get out
there and shoot it! And tell us the story afterwards!

Mel Miller
2 X M725

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