Hard Cold Start Blazer Again!

From: Stuart Ellis (stuellis@mediaone.net)
Date: Fri Dec 22 2000 - 14:23:33 PST

Hi all!
Well, after new glow plugs, temp sensor, controller, fuel lift pump,
injection pump rebuild, and new filter seals it still has problems. Starts
and runs right away, and then dies out no matter what you do. Does that once
or twice then starts to catch if you keep cranking it, until it fully
catches and runs, -takes a while. What else could it be?? I replaced fuel
line to injection pump and return line.
       Stuart J. Ellis
East Coast Sales Manager
     Intraco USA
Web Site: www.intraco.com.sg
Phone: 603-437-1392 Fax: 603-437-6046

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