Glow Plug System Out

From: Stuart Ellis (
Date: Fri Jan 19 2001 - 12:29:08 PST

I found the short that was making the "Wait Light" & "Water in Fuel Light"
blink on and off as I drove. It was a wire in the harness that pulled out
of the plastic coupler and as it touched the fire wall, it would short and
make them blink. This wire it seems is from the test hookup in the cab.
Now the glow plugs don't work. No wait light, nothing. Did all the tests
on controller harness and found; when you ground lite blue wire relay works.
When you ground dark blue "wait light" works. Almost 0v on pink wire(says
it should be 10v) resistance checks ok.
What would 0v instead of 10v mean? Pink wire goes to lower small lug on
relay. Is the controller card fried because of the shorting? I changed
relays, with no change in anything.
They all worked before shorting problem.

       Stuart J. Ellis
East Coast Sales Manager
     Intraco USA
Web Site:
Phone: 603-437-1392 Fax: 603-437-6046

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