RE: [MV] CCKW...She brakes...Petersons Off-road

From: tonygull (
Date: Tue Jan 23 2001 - 12:04:55 PST

thanx for that...i was actually thinking that myself...the main issue
i guess is u r supposed to bleed every 1-2 years, but not many people do.

try an XJ Jaguar for instance-yuk...much, much easier on a CCKW, even
allowing for 6.

Silicon is allegedly non-flammable and wont damage paint

do u know to what exxtent the old brake fluid needs to be removed,
ie what % of contamination of the silicon is permissable?

PS; has anyone seen a recent issue of Petersons that featured an article
called "Merry Xmas to myself- Buy More Junk"

It featured fit young fellows guarding heaps of modified ofroaders including
a 52 Dodge WC, against the hate and predjudice of the beast hating
including such tips as leaving oil leakers half on the road so unsightly oil
stains are not on your cement etc...tongue in cheek i suppose, but i


-----Original Message-----
From: Everett Doyle []
Sent: Tuesday, January 23, 2001 9:54 PM
To: tonygull
Subject: Re: [MV] CCKW...She brakes

Do a lot of reasearch on silicone before you make change. This information
and check price.

I got this information from head mechanic at Jauguar, Land Rover dealer -
the brake fluid that we are familar with over last several years main
problem is that water will be absorbed by it and rust cylinders -- he said
that it is true, water will not mix with silicone but, it stays in system as
tiny drops of water and still rusts cyliners.


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