M1009 CUCV for Sale

From: F. Brian Mead (brian@hardscrabblefarm.com)
Date: Wed Apr 18 2001 - 18:40:51 PDT

Howdy lists,
        I've decided to sell my 1984 M1009 CUCV. I've had it for about a year & a
half. It's located in Griffin, Georgia (about 1 hour southeast of Atlanta)
        Seems it's a little too loud & uncivilized on long trips for the
wife. We've gotten a 1972 Suburban to replace it. Holds more people, has
A/C, and is quieter. And it's the same body style as my wife's 1969 GMC
Truck - so she approves.
        It comes with the set of 5 manuals (-10, -20, -20p, -34, -34p) two whip
antennas and an additional mount that I never mounted on the CUCV.
        The front tires have about 30,000 miles on them, the back tires have about
10,000 miles on them.
I'm asking $5500 for it.
        There are photos of it at http://www.hardscrabblefarm.com/cucv/ I live on
a dirt road, so there's dust in the engine compartment, but you can get the
idea from the photos.

Brian Mead
770-227-7447 (no calls after 9:00pm eastern standard time please)

P.S. don't worry, I'm still in the HMV scene for the long haul...I've got a
1944 MB & my wife has a 1950 CJV-35/U

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