'45 Chevrolet 1 &1/2 ton truck 4 sale

From: Stephen L Dussetschleger (dussetschleger@juno.com)
Date: Sat Apr 28 2001 - 21:03:09 PDT

  A friend in the KC area is thinking of selling his immaculate
beautifully restored truck. Seems the M20 project is drying up his
wallet & he also is running out of room in the barn. It's really nice
&......... Well, what would one of thes be worth ball park figure ?

 Haley & Steve's mil-veh collection
 4 jeep types (M38A1, M170, M151A2, GAZ69 Command Car)
 2 mules (M274A5, airfield tug)
 4 small trucks (M880, M882, M37, M37B1)
 2 big trucks (M109A3, 1942 Ford G8T)

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