ABERDEEN Here we come T-90 tapes

From: aussierob (aussierob@odyssey.net)
Date: Wed May 09 2001 - 09:57:56 PDT

My first trip to Aberdeen on Friday.

I've been told that this is the place to go !

As yet I have No directions either... however, some of you listers may have
the answer.

I have no real idea what to expect in regards to the following.?
What size this will be ?
How big the crowds are?
How many vendors.?
Although, I may take a few of Ricks T-90 Rebuild tapes along

We are going to leave 3am on Friday morning - arriving around 9+am., and
spend all day ...and Sat., if we want to.

I should take pics ...eh?
Anyone interested to see I'll post them.

Aussie Rob
42MB and a few CJ2As
Upstate Ny area near Syracuse.

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