Re: [MV] GSA Sale in Minnesota

From: Keith Byrd (
Date: Tue May 15 2001 - 12:38:05 PDT

> Hey Ron, The GSA gets alot of its stuff from the US Military, then what's
> left over goes to DRMS. GSA items usually go to the US Forest Service,
> of the Indian Agencies and any other US Government Agency that may want
> They will use the stuff until it is deemed Surplus from that Agency, then
> returned to GSA and then auctioned off to the general public.

And some of it is destroyed!!!!!
Case in point: Dept. of Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service, Tennessee
National Wildlife Refuge, Duck River Unit, Winter 1999. 4- M274 (some with
upgrade kits, some that run) crushed by bulldozer, carried to local landfill
and buried.

My questions are: Shouldn't there be documentation of this? How was this
possible? and,If it was wrong, shouldn't some one be held accountable? I
believe it probably was wrong. I've seen 10 yr. old Dodge pickups with blown
engines that were more trouble in paperwork than they were worth sold at
these sites. Then they get something that is hard to find and WORTH
something and it's destroyed. GO FIGURE!

I'm sorry friends, I just had to vent, I feel better now.

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