RE: M38 Brakes- someone better than I needs to answer Mat.

From: Rikk Rogers (
Date: Mon May 28 2001 - 10:52:55 PDT

I going to re-post this to the lists, I just got this one and while I have
worked on brakes before, it was not on an M38.
Any answer I give you would be pure guess.
I will look at M38 brakes for the 1st time in about 30 min.

Rikk Rogers - RK Lion LTD.
-M35A2- -M38- MVPA -22345-

  -----Original Message-----
  From: []
  Sent: Monday, May 28, 2001 12:03 PM
  Subject: M38 Brakes

  Hello, I just got an M38 and am doing a frame-up restoration. I am fairly
  familiar with the mechanicals, except I have never worked on brakes. How
  you remove the hubs? How do you change the pads, etc.? Any help you could
  give would be appreciated. I have ordered a manual, but it hasn't arrived


  Matt H
  Tulsa, OK

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