Re: [MV] [MVlist] close call

From: Andreas Mehlhorn (
Date: Mon Jun 04 2001 - 02:37:33 PDT

Richard Notton schrieb:

> Subject: [MVlist] close call
> >. . . . . . .The body of the tie rod end completely fell off and left the
> tapered shaft in >the arm.
> >
> A salutary warning, steering joints are important and not to be ignored,
> maybe we are fortunate in an odd way that our vehicles have to undergo a
> rigorous govt defined series of annual tests (The "MOT") to be allowed on
> the road.

Now you know, what the TÜV (For Richard: TUEV) is for.

Best regards
-Amtlich anerkannter Sachverständiger für den Kraftfahrzeugverkehr-

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