M.A.N.'s. auctioned - results

From: JaxInCalifornia@aol.com
Date: Fri Jun 08 2001 - 16:04:07 PDT

I had been eyeing two M.A.N. 8X8 trucks that finally made it to the Stockton
DRMO auction. Having received little scant publicity... only mentioned by
description almost at the bottom of a long auction list and not even a
picture, well I figured these truck won't bring all that much. Who would
notice and besides big tractor prices are extremely depressed I am told.

I had waited for 3 months for them to come up for sale, checked them 3 times,
oogled and ahhh'd, did some research, got suggested bid prices from various
people in the know and finally I committed $5789 to a bid for one, which I
felt was a great deal for me, but not an unreasonable bid by any means...
these auction trucks really should be a great deal too, since you are
gambling on what you are getting. I say this because you can't drive them,
can't even hear them run most of the time. Many bids are placed by virtue of
a single picture on a vehicle 1000's of miles from home. It's a real risky
proposition, yet great deals abound for those willing to take the chance, as
so many of us can attest!

Back to the M.A.N. It wound up going for $26,666 to some guy on the other
coast. Doubt he ever inspected it. By every indication from dealers I spoke
with here and in Europe, this person paid far more than he should under such
conditions, even in top shape with a road test, one would think it a bit
steep, but that's an auction for you and what a thing is worth is exactly
what a person is willing to pay for it.

The other M.A.N. with 6 times the mileage went $18, 212!

The lesson here, sometimes you get a deal and sometimes it's just absolutely
absurd what they go for, you just never know! Well, back to bidding on a
deuce now. Maybe next time... lol


PS I was nonetheless very appreciative for the tidbits of information I
received from the listers. Thank you all very much!

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