37mm turret gun demill question

From: Renactr2@aol.com
Date: Mon Jul 02 2001 - 14:53:25 PDT

Hi list,
I am looking into purchasing a British Humber Armoured Car. The original 37mm gun is supposed to have had it's barrel cut in two and rewelded, but nothing done to the breech.

I want to end up with enough of the gun to look complete, but be considered a dead gun by BATF, and still be able to fire a blank of some kind. That could be a different caliber shell (if the breech can be opend and shut and the breech area sleeved) or all welded shut and oxy/propane piped in for a Bang.
I suppose worst case, shove a 12 gauge in the thing and pull the trigger on a blank.

Can any Artillery types out there fill me in on a way to get the gun legal to bring in and still leave enough of the gun usuable for making noise?

Alternatively, are regeistered and transferable tubes available that can be mounted in the turret? that is, I don't need a carraige.


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