RE: [MV] Bounced Emails,,@skylee,com &

From: Joe Garrett (
Date: Sat Sep 01 2001 - 11:33:04 PDT


The problem is an incomplete or improper registration of the mailserver
"". Some routers have it and others don't. From what you said,
AT&T has it. I use GTE/Verizon and they don't have it. If your router has
it, it is probably because it is "self learning" and remembered the correct
IP address after it did a manual web wide search the first time. Every time
I forget and reply to, it takes twenty-four or more hours for my
router to do a network-wide search and find the correct IP address. My
postings by then are meaningless because of the timeliness issue. Often, my
posts get returned to me as undeliverable several days later. I have seen
the same behavior repeatedly on other ISPs, so this is not just a GTE
problem., on the other hand, is properly registered and I can sit and
watch my postings come back in the same sitting when sent to this address.
I have sent email directly to Arthur about this without response. Anybody
in this industry knows how to correct this problem. The registration
information for and are available at under whoisit. Unfortunately, the general public
cannot look up specifics of why the registration is flawed. Otherwise, one
of us would have probably fixed it by now (this has been a problem for a
long time).

And by the way, if you are using a MAC, yes, you ARE a Luddite of sorts.

Joe Garrett
cell 425-344-1402

-----Original Message-----
From: Military Vehicles Mailing List []On
Behalf Of Mel Miller
Sent: Saturday, September 01, 2001 11:26 AM
To: Military Vehicles Mailing List
Subject: [MV] Bounced Emails,,@skylee,com &

Richard Notton wrote:

> Not entirely true, like many others I cannot use the .org address, my ISP
> tells me the input and MX address (whatever these things are) don't exist,
> using a web tool to analyse the address they are quite right, eg.,
> Something is very wrong with the set-up of, like many others I
> continue to manually change the address to or,
> similarly the admin address is non-functional and all the many emails sent
> successfully to admin with the alternate address have been unanswered.

I am not a computer wizard at all, in fact I am somewhat of a Luddite
since I use a Macintosh and Netscape 4.7!!, but I allways use the
'' address when sending messages and have never had a
problem. I use ATT as my ISP and find them almost trouble free. I dont
know how they do it if the input and MX addresses do not exist for
'.org', but my messages get through(this message is an example).

I tend to think the problems lie within others ISP's or ,perhaps, at the
synapses of the WWW when a message has to cross borders and oceans???

My .02
Mel Miller
2 X M725

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