Inside the mind of a terrorist

From: John A. Hern Jr (
Date: Fri Sep 14 2001 - 06:54:40 PDT

How a Muslin Terrorist Thinks

"You keep talking also about collective punishment and killing innocent
people to force governments to change their policies - you call this
terrorism when someone would kill innocent people or civilians in order to
force the government to change its policies. Well, you were the first one
who invented this terrorism.

"You were the first one who killed innocent people, and you are the first
one who introduced this type of terrorism to the history of mankind when you
dropped an atomic bomb which killed tens of thousands of women and children
in Japan and when you killed over a hundred thousand people, most of them
civilians, in Tokyo with fire bombings. You killed them by burning them to
death. And you killed civilians in Vietnam with chemicals - as with the
so-called Orange agent. You killed civilians and innocent people, not
soldiers, innocent people every single war you went. You went to wars more
than any other country in this century, and then you have the nerve to talk
about killing innocent people.

"And now you have invented new ways to kill innocent people. You have a
so-called economic embargo which kills nobody other than children and
elderly people, and which other than Iraq, you have been placing the
economic embargo on Cuba and other countries for over 35 years.

"The government in its summations and opening said that I was a terrorist.
Yes, I am a terrorist and I am proud of it. And I support terrorism so long
as it was against the United States Government and against Israel, because y
ou are more than terrorists; you are the one who invented terrorism and
using it every day. You are butchers, liars and hypocrites."

- Ramzi Ahmed Yousef, the man who planned the FIRST terrorist bombing of the
World Trade Center in 1993, New York Times, 1/9/01

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