4? Deuce M-?? Water Tanker FS

From: Carol Kenyon (Da-Kenyons@webtv.net)
Date: Tue Oct 02 2001 - 18:19:42 PDT

Guys, I'm at a real loss to describe what this truck is, it's not mine.
  I know the owner, he wants to sell it.
  Originally 6-wheel drive (now ONE axle drive?) originally Continental
powered (now 6-71 Detroit, OH! the sound!)
  Ex-military for sure, he's going to get back to me on any data plates.
  DISCLAIMER: This is NOT my vehicle, I stand to gain nothing from its
  However, for the time being, please send any inquiries to me.
  He wants $1000.00, it runs good.
  Located in Central California near Fresno.
  Currently a wasp nest...
Thanks, Don Kenyon

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