Re: [MV] Iron and rust-formerly why don't engine blocks crack too?

From: Mark Baxter (
Date: Wed Oct 24 2001 - 20:41:03 PDT

 Hey Dave. I can tell you first hand why those dodges rusted in early 70s.
On working on my 76 Dodge M-886 ambulance I was wondering how did my dash
board rust out!! Well I Looked behind it and saw that there was no paint.
Period, same with the roof of the truck and everywhere else I looked., No
paint. Dodge at that time was not dipping their vehicles in paint, just bare
metal on the insides of them. needless to say, as I have been going on my
restoration, I have been painting all bear metal I can find. Mark M-886
----- Original Message -----
From: "DaveCole" <>
To: "Military Vehicles Mailing List" <>
Sent: Wednesday, October 24, 2001 2:40 PM
Subject: Re: [MV] Iron and rust-formerly why don't engine blocks crack too?

> It's really about the quality of the steel. Alfa Romeo made some cards in
the early
> 80's that rusted so fast it was amazing. I think Dodge has some similar
problems in
> the early 70's. Remember the Duster? They turned to dust! I used to
think it was
> paint problems. That may be some of it but good steel will rust much more
> than lousy poor quality steel.
> Dave

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