Looking for a M35A2 Air shift setup

From: JJ&A (w7ls@blarg.net)
Date: Mon Jan 28 2002 - 21:21:22 PST

I have a 1966 (or thereabout) Kaiser-Jeep M35A2 with a sprag clutch
setup for the front end. I am looking to replace the sprag with an air
shift setup. I need all the stuff to convert from sprag to airshift. I
assume that may mean a different transfer case? How about controls to go
in the cab?
    Please reply to the list, as well as me personally, at
W7LS@blarg.net. That way, multiple people won't send me the same info,
and I can read it better. I'm on digest mode, right now.
    I'm located near Seattle. Thanks. Jim

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