From: Kerry Bernstein (kbernste@us.ibm.com)
Date: Mon Mar 04 2002 - 11:55:07 PST

OOPS _ Sorry, SARGE _ I just saw you said you'd do it.
Let me know if I can help, a page on our site offer still good -
otherwise I graciously back off. Only trying to help

Kerry Bernstein

From: "John Stewart-Smith" <john_stewartsmith@hotmail.com>
Subject: Re: [MV] road service
Date: Sun, 3 Mar 2002 09:17:48 +0100
Message-ID: <OE61cgvF8beVGRQaRba00003a00@hotmail.com>

Well, seems like I have a new nickname, The Sarge. No problem, I've been
called a lot worse, but not usually to my face.
I think a list of telephone numbers, along with a reasonable distance
and hours of availability is a superb idea. Possibly even a remarks column
specifying area of expertise. Trust me, you are all experts in particular
When I still wore camo to work, I made every one of my troops a laminated
card with my home telephone number and also the home telephone numbers of
all my volunteer senior NCO's. This was a 'Get Out of Jail Free' card. The
idea was that if you were drunk, you could call us 24/7 and we would pick
you up and take you home, no questions asked, and I gave a guarantee of
immunity from prosecution or even from jokes on Monday morning. It worked
very well, out of all the disciplinary action on base, not one of my troops
was ever killed on the road, nor was one busted for driving drunk.
If enough of you are interested, I would be willing to make a rough web
listing the above information. Please send me your comments, suggestions,
hate mail.
Thank you!
-The Sarge

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