M1022 shelter dolly parts wanted

From: Mark J. Blair (mblair1@cox.net)
Date: Tue Mar 05 2002 - 21:09:28 PST

Hi, folks. I just picked up three M1022 shelter dolly sets in the
recent GL auction. They're missing a bunch of pieces, but they look
salvageable, and I'm hoping to get at least one of them working for
moving around containers on my property. I haven't decided what I'll
do with the leftover pieces yet, and I might not for a while. Anyway,
I'm wondering if anybody out there happens to have some M1022 pieces
laying around, or maybe an M1022 carcass or three to part out. I
haven't had a chance to do a detailed inventory yet, but here are some
parts I'd need that are missing from all three sets:

* Drawbar (one set is missing the whole thing, and I think the other
two have the shorter piece that attaches to the frame and steers the
front wheels).

* Pins for connecting the dolly sets to containers (between the three
sets, I have one upper pin and no lowers).

* Bolts for connecting the front/rear halves together without a
container (probably just enough for one set; maybe I can just fake it
with some ordinary grade-8 bolts).

* Casters for moving the detached ends around.

I don't think I have enough spring brake caging bolts to go around,
either. Do those live at the local NAPA store?

Two sets are up on their wheels; one has frozen rear brakes, and the
other is missing the portion of the drawbar that keeps the front
wheels pointing in the same direction, and maybe the tie rods, too (I
don't remember). The third set is split into two halves, and the front
steering is partially disassembled, so the front wheels point in
different directions... not that it really matters with the frame
dragging on the ground! I guess my first job is to get them all up on
their wheels and rolling, so I can at least move them around easily.
Getting them off the trailer took a bit of work... ;-)

Thanks in advance for any leads!

Mark J. Blair, KE6MYK <mblair1@cox.net>
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