M939-series 5-ton trucks

From: Mark J. Blair (mblair1@cox.net)
Date: Thu May 16 2002 - 22:51:35 PDT

I got my first up-close look at an M939-series 5-tonner today, when I
inspected an M925 drop-side with winch that was up for GL auction at
Imperial Beach, CA. I didn't win the bid, but I liked the way the
truck was put together. It has a lot of nice features, like an auto
tranny, a hydraulic winch, a more accessible engine compartment, and
real air brakes. There might be an M939-series truck in my future... I
think I wouldn't mind replacing my M543A2 wrecker with an M936 wrecker

So, just out of curiosity, does anybody know how much M936 wreckers
generally go for? How does the M936 stack up against the M543A2?

Thanks in advance for any insight!

Mark J. Blair, KE6MYK <mblair1@cox.net>
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