Re: [MV] Demil items... LLC

From: Royce C Hayes (
Date: Wed Jun 12 2002 - 19:53:59 PDT

I was the one that alerted NRA. I got the information off this list and
called them.

Please do not trash the NRA for being slow on the issue. They spend
99.9% of their time supporting 2nd Amendment rights.

I would suggest to you that if you want a quicker response from the NRA,
pay you dues, like I do, and you call them yourself when you hear
something affecting gun ownership or rights.

Rant mode turned off. Back on my head. ;>)

On Wed, 12 Jun 2002 18:51:02 -0400 Ryan M Gill <>
> When that Demill bill was part of the DOD fiscal bill, I was calling
> around before the NRA had even started moving it's crusty and slow
> mechanism.

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