From: Everette (
Date: Tue Dec 17 2002 - 01:27:05 PST

please excuse my mistake - I was not referring to "speedbleeder" -- my post
was how "old country boys" bleed brakes by themselves - slip end of 1/4 inch
vinyl tubing over end of bleeder screw, loosen it and go to pumping.pedal -
when no air bubbles are present close screw move to next wheel.

Only time I ever reused fluid was when I had done complete brake job and
there was no fluid in lines because they had been blown dry while wheel
cylinders and master cylinder were off truck. Hence none of brake fluid in
system had ever been used, brake fluid is too cheap (inexpensive) to
consider reuse of any used brake fluid, even the much touted DOT5.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Liberty Krueger" <>

Submerging the end of the hose in fluid is not nessesary with the
speedbleeders because the check valve prevents air or fluid from being drawn
back into the caliper. You can filter and reuse DOT5 fluid ONLY. Never reuse
DOT3 brake fluid as it's resistance to boiling will be seriously

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