Re: [MV] B-17 History ?

From: Steve Grammont (
Date: Sat Dec 28 2002 - 08:00:07 PST

>Second, the Kee Bird, a B29, was landed on a frozen lake. An expedition was
>put together by Daryl Greenamyer, with the plan to fly it out. As stated,
>they got it running and ready to take off, and it was burned up by a leaking
>gas can hanging over an APU.

I remember seeing a documentary on this. One man died from injuries
sustained while mounting one of the engines.

The fire, if I recall, was started by an electrical problem. While the
replaced and refurbished all the mechanical parts, they did not replace
the wiring. Apparently the age and weather had made the sheilding less
than functional in at least one spot. I don't remember the gas can, but
perhaps it was the electricals that started it up?


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