Inverted V on Gulf War era vehicles and the red circled star vehicle marking...

From: Nathan Wilkens (
Date: Mon Jan 13 2003 - 21:41:03 PST

Esteemed Colleagues:

I have two quick questions about vehicle markings that may (or may not) be
appropriate for a M1009 CUCV. First, what does the inverted V symbol across
the door mean? As an example, a current M1009 for sale on Ebay is pictured

Second, I have seen lots of new desert cammo equipment (including tanks,
CUCVs, SP artillery, etc) that is marked with a red star with a broken
circle around it. This identification star has much less contrast against
the desert tan paint than does a black circle... is this the purpose of the
change to red? If so, what is the broken circle about? Also, when did this
pattern start being used?

I'm guessing someone one the list has answered this at least a dozen times,
but a quick look at the archives and I haven't found it - if so, sorry to
ask it again.

Nathan Wilkens

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