M35A2 rear hub seals (part 2)

From: micdunn (micdunn@ev1.net)
Date: Tue Apr 08 2003 - 11:10:22 PDT

A list member requested this info.
The rear hub inner seal, p/n 7521649, cross references to the following:
10896684 US Government
A1205Z650 Kaitlin Corp.
A1205Z650 Rockwell International
A298451 Fruehauf Corp.
Q1205Z650 Rockwell International
1816A Chicago Rawhide (CR Industries)
33120 Chicago Rawhide (CR Industries)
519596 Chicago Rawhide (CR Industries)
630D6 Diamond Reo
852 Diamond Reo
913842 Sasco Inc.

This seal is also used as an inner seal on the tandem hub.


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