MG GURUS... Mount for Deuce question

From: Ronzo (
Date: Fri May 16 2003 - 20:33:41 PDT

I bought a set of legs, a ring and a trolley, for what I was told was for a
deuce at Churchville. I then bought a pintle and can holder today.
    Like a Christmas toy, when I got all the pieces in the same place,
pintle A does not fit into trolley hole B
    Any help identifying what I have and what I need would be greatly
appreciated. I have a gun lined up for purchase next week and a Parade a
week from today.
    Does anyone have a pintle and can holder (sorry I don't know the proper
terminology) that would fit my trolley, or inversely a trolley that will fit
my ring and pintle? Or a newer style ring that (might) fit my pintle and
would want to trade for my ring and trolley?

    Pictures of what I have at:

    2 photos of ring and legs did not show up on my card for some reason,
will take more tomorrow.

    Thanks, Ron

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