Re: [MV] CNN & Sensationalism

Date: Mon Jun 23 2003 - 08:38:51 PDT

>Its particularly scary when you get into the technology aspects.
>Something I'm more aware of working as a computer type at CNN.

Wow, that's got to be an interesting job :) I enjoy CNN just as much as the
next guy, but their political agenda has always been reliably and consistently
biased in many respects. Their view on 2nd Ammendment rights comes quickly
to mind. The motivation that drives the purveyors of sensationalism pretty
much requires that type of perspective though. If a network remains popularly
contrary to things such as the "devestating power of weapons in private hands",
that standpoint allows them a regular and abundant source of fresh
sensationalist material to keep the viewers glued through the commercial breaks ;)
         The very nature of popular media and modern propaganda does not
allow for high profile stories about how privately owned firearms thwart over one
million(!) crimes a year in a non-violent manner. Firstly because it's too
telling of modern society, and secondly because there's rarely as much blood in
it. And we all know - "If it bleeds, it leads"!
       Much respect to you though. I'd love a job at CNN just so I could get
some insight behind the scenes :)

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