M-1009 sheetmetal

From: Jim (jeeperjim@cox-internet.com)
Date: Fri Jul 18 2003 - 18:29:25 PDT

Does anyone know of a source for a M1009 body tub that could be used without
too much repair. A civilian Chevy Blazer from '83 to '87 would also work.
There are just a few brackets that would have to be transferred to a civy
unit to make it a M-1009. My doors, windows, seats, tailgate, & top are all
in good condition so I would not really need those items.
My windshield was leaking so I removed it to replace the seal and found that
the seal was about the only thing that was holding the roof up. The frame
around the front of the roof and part of the roof under the seal is gone.
I've replaced a roof on a mid '80's Chevy truck and it was not worth it but
hind site is always 20/20. Too much cost involved with the welder.
I would appreciate any leads on a body tub that could be salvaged. I would
prefer doing all or most of the labor if someone wanted to part one out that
was reasonably close to Louisiana.
Please contact me off list at jeeperjim@cox-internet.com.

Many thanks,


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