RE: [MV] HMMWV v. idiots in government

From: Steve Grammont (
Date: Wed Aug 27 2003 - 08:06:45 PDT

>It seems they don't want the hummer to be as successful as the Jeep or
>the VW Beetle for that matter.
>So much for future sales.........

I agree. I think AM General is being rather stupid, to say the least.
 The release of 20 year old Humvees can only help them, IMHO. They'd get
a captive parts market for as long as they wanted, the name gets out
there even more, the customers think highly of the company (instead of
the, uhm, opposite <g>), and if they got a slice of the auction price a
little "found money" as icing on the cake.

I can totally see why they don't want 1 year old Humvees out on the
market, especially if (back then) they had planned on making a Hummer
that was targeted at the "Jeep" crowd instead of the Mercedes crowd.
 However, since the reality is that a Hummer 2 costs more than most
houses in my neck of the woods, I don't see how a beat up 20 year old
vehicle painted an "ugly" green can pose an economic risk to them. But
corporations are generally conservative and short sighted, so I don't
expect much from them. Sad.


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