Re: [MV] GL has barred me!!

From: Glenn Shaw (
Date: Tue Sep 09 2003 - 15:06:26 PDT

Non issue/just get a card. Comes in handy at times these days.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Joe Foley" <>
To: "Military Vehicles Mailing List" <>
Sent: Tuesday, September 09, 2003 12:19 PM
Subject: [MV] GL has barred me!!

> I have just been informed that I can no longer bid on
> anything from GovLiquidation because I have no credit
> cards!!
> That sucks. Evidently they can't secure their
> operation without that card number. I find that
> interesting, their computers can't deal with it? I
> had been buying from them for months! I think that's
> why David Wright got canned, they tell me he wasn't
> supposed to be allowing people to bid without that
> card number.
> If an outfit as big as E-bay can do business without a
> credit card why can't GL? Or has GL grown past the
> capabilities of their computer system? I see E-bay
> has recently gone with IBM to run their systems.
> Now, where is that Congressman's address....?
> Maybe I can interest Senator Clinton in my problem?
> Joe
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