RE: [MV] Breaking Mil-veh Rules

From: Glenn Shaw (
Date: Sat Oct 25 2003 - 16:03:25 PDT

Hi Tom
I tried the uns*****be command message just a few minutes ago and it
replied back within about 2 minutes. It works perfectly. You can
unsubscribe and resubscribe again within 5 minutes. You MUST send the
message to unsu****be from ONLY the address that you wish to have
removed. Only put the word un*****ibe in the subject and also in the
text area. Nothing else. Within about 2 minutes you will receive a
message back from the list robot that asks you to confirm your request.
Follow those instructions and your gone. Also make sure that you ISP (
webtv ) is not filtering out the return message from the robot. Anti
SPAM filters on webtv may be killing it. You will have to have the
filter turned off if nec. until you can get this done. Webtv has a few
weirdisms that separate it from regular ISP's. Of course you can always
simply kill your present email address and use another ARMOR-2 etc.
After awhile the bounces will cause the mil-veh bot to kill you also.
Let me know if this helps.


-----Original Message-----
From: Military Vehicles Mailing List [] On
Behalf Of Thomas Gould
Sent: Saturday, October 25, 2003 4:47 PM
To: Military Vehicles Mailing List
Subject: [MV] Breaking Mil-veh Rules

After over 25 attempts over 4 days, using every conceivable combination
to unsubscribe, I have
Are there ANY rules that I can break to be THROWN OFF the list PLEASE

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