2004 Aberdeen

From: Mark Bumgarner (mbumg@bellsouth.net)
Date: Mon May 10 2004 - 05:20:40 PDT

Greetings List!

Just a big thank you to all the crew at Aberdeen. First time and it was
great! My son and I had a great time. A big thank you to all the
Yellow Convoy group. Joe, Cabell, Brian, Brandon, Blake, Bjorn and
Sonny from the deep south. Please forgive me if I left your name off.
A lot of great people, more than I can remember at one time. A special
thanks for Bjorn wiring assistance. Thanks to Cabell for sharing his
space. Thanks to Joe and Aubrey for the nice meal and Rat Patrol
episodes. Thanks to Bruce for the time and effort he put in the convoy.
Great magnets and shirts by the way Thanks to Brandon and Brian for
making sure my son and I got home o.k. (Ran out of fuel once- but
fortunately, Brandon had a full gerry can). We finally did make home
after hitting some monsoon type weather near Greensboro. We brought a
lot of goodies but most of all, some great memories. Great to finally
meet other guys on the list (Joe Young, Bjorn and others). I always
read those emails with great interest - thanks.

Pray for our troops and leaders.

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