Re: [MV] OT: Don't confuse me with the facts !!

From: J. Forster (
Date: Sun Sep 12 2004 - 22:09:03 PDT

Ryan Gill wrote:

Where's the A-bombs? Where's the poison gas ? Where's the war germs ? WHERE'S THE

> The UN verified the presence
> of the NBC items at the end of the 1st Gulf war.
> They were not all verified as having been
> destroyed. Why did the Baathists continue to
> obstruct the inspectors and require resolution
> after resolution from the UN? Further, if Iraq
> and the Baathists were so peaceful, why did they
> continually open fire on our jets that were
> flying the overflights that they agreed to?

I don't know for sure, but IMO it was self preservation. Had Saddam admitted
everything was destroyed, Iraq or other neighbors could well have overrun him in a
few days. I doubt the US would have protected him from the Ayatollahs minions and
their tanks and infantry, even if all our stuff had not left the area. Iran was a
proven threat that cost 8 million lives as I remember. WMDs had kept Iran at bay
before. So he put up a strong PR campaign and resisted the UN to enhance the
bluff. He became a victim of his own propaganda in the end.

> Iraq agree'ed to cease fire terms at our
> insistence because we had them between a rock and
> a hard place.

Hmmm... A contract made under duress. I'd look for loopholes too. The allies did
that at Versailles with a poor outcome. WW II.

> They failed to live up to the
> agreements, we went back in. Everything else is
> icing on the cake. We should have finished the
> job 13 years ago,

True. And it partly cost Bush 41 a second term.

> now it's mostly done except for
> those that don't realize it. The Baathist are all
> but gone and the Kurds realize it. Ask a Kurd or
> a Shia if they'd rather have the Baathist back...

The Kurd areas are fairly quiet and likely just want to be left alone. I don't know
what a Shia would say. Perhaps " if this is freedom, it's a high price to pay".
Perhaps "foreigners go home".


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