Re: [MV] OFF TOPIC: Draft Dodgers in office

From: Sonny Heath (
Date: Mon Sep 13 2004 - 16:17:30 PDT

If I felt the same way you do Steve, I would move to another country.


----- Original Message -----
From: Steve Grammont <>
To: Military Vehicles Mailing List <>
Sent: Friday, September 10, 2004 10:45 AM
Subject: Re: [MV] OFF TOPIC: Draft Dodgers in office

> >Those documents were all faked and forged by liars groping for false
> >truth and desperatly trying 'again' to slander our Commander in Chief,
> I suppose the original documents from the Pentagon and Texas Air National
> Guard are fakes too? You know, the ones that had the Col. Jerry
> Killian, who died in 1984 complaining about "pressure from higher-ups to
> give Bush positive evaluations and said Bush talked about how to avoid
> taking a physical exam in 1972, when Bush eventually skipped six months
> of training and lost his pilot's wings for missing the exam." See
> <>
> It isn't slander when its the truth. You know there is a reward out for
> anybody that will swear that he served with Bush and that Bush was not
> AWOL, yet nobody has come forward? At least nobody questions the fact
> that Kerry DID show up WAS in Vietnam and DID participate in a firefight.
> >written on a late model computer, not a 30 year old typewriter. Kerry is
> >a disgrace to the uniform and all this country stands for.
> Cheney and Rumsfeld didn't wear a uniform to disgrace, though the 1000
> dead in Iraq might like an opportunity to say a word or two to say about
> Cheney and Rumsfeld's ability to lead this country in time of war.
> Remember... the war was supposed to cost $20 billion (now $200 billion
> and climbing) and all of our troops were to be pulled out 3 months ago
> (more troops there now than before and it still isn't 1/2 what is
> needed). Perhaps that is why we now have troop morale problems and a
> record budget deficit looming ahead for us taxpayers.
> Face it... the current administration is incompetent. They violated
> every principle behind the Powell Doctrine, which is probably why Powell
> was one of the only voices against the war when it became clear we were
> going with or without a solid case, allies, or (gasp) a workable military
> plan. And the bad joke that was the "Coalition of the Willing" is now
> basically the Coalition of the Unwilling as more of the tiny number of
> foreign troops are pulled out (Bulgaria and Ukraine are now joining Spain
> and Philippines).
> I'm constantly amazed that anybody from the Vietnam era can turn a blind
> eye to what is going... it's the same old same old same old. Politicians
> running a war for political and economic reasons in opposition to sound
> military logic, death toll, or fiscal responsibility.
> Steve
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