Re: [MV] The long arm of the Law

From: Ryan Gill (
Date: Fri Oct 29 2004 - 08:48:20 PDT

At 11:43 AM -0400 10/29/04, m35products wrote:
>I can't address all of the names you listed, but I can tell you this:
>Sen. Schumer has a New York City FULL CARRY permit for a 9 mm Glock, so one
>would assume that he is not totally against gun ownership, just against YOUR
>gun ownership.

Of course. "He needs it." But the rest of you unwashed masses have
the police to protect you.

Anyone up for painting their MV's White and putting UN on them? We
could truck them out and around town for a bit.....Based on the
response one of the Ferreter's had in Texas with his UN painted
ferret (how he bought it)....I suspect there'd be a bit of a ground

No I'm not really going to do that...I'd rather not get shot at by
some of the more conservative crowd.

-                 Data Center Operations Group                -
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- Ryan Montieth Gill                   One CNN Center SE0813 E -
- Internet Technologies   --   Data Center Operations Manager  -
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