Re: [MV] MV misc. parts needed

From: John Souza (
Date: Sun Nov 21 2004 - 18:04:16 PST

There is nothing special about the cutting tanks on the wreckers.
Except their size. Go to a big welding supply house and get the tanks
there. You might be able to get them to give you a couple of old ones
that they are going to scrap out. I have two set one on my wrecker and
then a spare set. I have tehm bot full. This way I can use them any
time I want. I also ahve a Victor Journeyman torch setup that I take
when I go to retrieve a piece of history to save. You just never know
when you need to cut or bend something out of the way.

If you were anywhere near me in CA, I could get you a set of tanks.

As for the vise. The M62 NEVER had a bumper mounted vise. Only the 800
series did and maybe the M543. The vise on the M62 went up on the rear
deck next to the 45,000 pound rear winch. They are usually cut off.
The 800 series had a "round beam" vise. I think the M62 had the old
square type. I finally found a mounting base for the vise for one of my

John Souza
MVPA #2697
Fresno, CA

John P. Souza
Senior Water System Telemetry & Distributed Control Specialist
(559) 621-5240 Voice
(559) 498-1784 FAX
>>> Dan Maguire <> 11/20/04 8:47 PM >>>
No Ebay stuff...

I am in the market for a bumper-mounted vise and the cutting/welding
tanks for a 1963 Diamond-T M62 wrecker. I am also looking for a fuse
box for a 1945 M10 ammo trailer. Anyone have a line on who might have
these items for sale?

I have web searched with no success. It seem a good idea to ask before
emailing surplus parts dealers.


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