RE: [MV] Fallujah action - Even Further O.T.

From: Joe Garrett (
Date: Tue Nov 30 2004 - 08:28:20 PST


This is all fascinating rhetoric. Perhaps we could have investigated all of
these allegations in good faith (after 12 resolutions and 12 years of idle
UN threats) had not the top governments of France, Germany, Russia, and
China, along with the leadership of the United Nations and a few members of
the press all been on the payroll of Saddam Hussein.

With all those people receiving more than $21 billion US Dollars in oil
credit payoffs and bribes, we were never going to get anywhere at all unless
someone took unilateral action. The situation was similar to what happens
when a criminal element buys off the judges, the prosecutors, the police,
and the jury. The only way out is for some citizen to take unilateral

Congratulations to YOUR government for finally allowing the Fox News Channel
to be broadcast into the Great White North. It is typical Canada to allow
Al Jazeera but to disallow Fox News. Back in the sixties, Rocky and
Bullwinkle was not allowed to be shown in Canada because Dudley Dooright
made fun of the RCMP. It is hard for me to take serious any political
advice from a country so unabashedly controlled by socialist thought and
central thought control.

Joe Garrett

-----Original Message-----
From: Military Vehicles Mailing List []On
Behalf Of Robdab in Toronto
Sent: Tuesday, November 30, 2004 7:50 AM
To: Military Vehicles Mailing List
Subject: Re: [MV] Fallujah action - Even Further O.T.


 I know that you're all full of patriotism and completely support everything
that your government does/says BUT most of the rest of the world doesn't see
it that way. Your first clue would be the very small number of allies that
you have in Iraq this time around, and your second, the large number of US
body bags continuing to come home. It seems that either they don't want your
style of freedom or that they are sick of burying their wives and children.

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